April 29, 2009

Christian Anti-Gay Protest At Purchase?

I know this doesn't have to do with music, photography, fashion etc. But it does have to do with myself and my fellow classmates..

On Monday, April 27th, 2009 I got a call from my girlfriend saying that there were Anti-Gay Christians protesting on the Great Lawn. My first response was "At Purchase??" I couldn't believe what I heard. We suggested that we go out there and make-out in front of them, just to piss them off. Luckily for them she had class but I didn't. I had to go and see what was going on for myself. Mind you, Monday was the day that it was damn near 90 degrees outside, the weather was beautiful. I wasn't going to let something like this ruin my day, it just sounded so entertaining that I wanted to experience it first hand. Plus, I never witnessed anything like this, for someone to be totally against what I am.

When I walked up to the protest, I walked into lesbians cursing, cross-dressers in frantic, and straight people reciting bible verses. The time I arrived, there were only two protesting. There was a middle-aged white man and a much more middle-aged white woman. The voice of the protest was definitely the man though. The woman was so soft spoken and kept talking about the bible and what "God" said. The man however spoke as if he knew Jesus and God personally. He told everyone how God intended the world to be, what he wanted, what he wants, and how everything should be. He stated that "Everyone who is not Christian is going to hell." "Roman Catholics are not Christian, Episcopalian's aren't Christian, and you are only Christian if you are "born again." "Homosexuals can be saved and or healed because it is a disease and if you believe in the power of God, you will be." Lesbians started to quote the bible and say "God also said "Love thy neighbor!!!"

Arguements continued to go back and forth and seemed never ending. To distract people from the Anti-Gay protest, a group of students made signs that read "Down With Homework" and "Tests Suck!" They figured if they lead people toward their protest, that the Anti-Gay protesters wouldn't have anyone to preach to..Well their efforts diminished after a while. People just couldn't help but to gravitate toward the crowd and give their two cents. Personally, I feel if you give your two cents, you'll be broke. Especially knowing that you cannot change a HARDCORE Christian's mind. It's like fighting an uphill battle..I'll pass on that. I am what I am, I am who I am, I am me and that's it.

P.S - The white, middle-aged, man is an "Ex-homosexual" ahem.. and there was a student who actually goes to Purchase, (I don't know his name) but yeah he was a "Reformed Homosexual"..yeah I thought the same thing too..SMH.


  1. I'm laughing because they brought that BS to Purchase of all places. You have really good posts, I'm still trying to get the blogging style down haha.

  2. That group had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they chose Purchase.!
